Creation Hymn


Creator God who carved the canyons with a painless breath 

Who sends the rains on unmanned fields and tucks the sun to rest 

The dawn is clothed with brilliance and adorned in full array 

Reflections of the Father’s love put wildly on display.

Hallelujah all creation sing
Holy, holy, glory to the King.

Sovereign One who fashioned oceans deep by whisper strong 

Who rends the water from the land and lends the depths her song. 

The fullness of the sky and sea in reverence do they stand 

To testify the sovereignty and goodness of Your hand.

Hallelujah all creation sing
Holy, holy, glory to the King.

Eternal One who knows no turning, faithful through all things

Unbroken praise and righteousness adorn Your matchless name.

The frailty of created things sustained by Christ alone

Sufficient is Your providence, Immortal is Your throne.

Hallelujah all creation sing
Holy, holy, glory to the King.