Our Mission
The Harvest Collective is a unified assembly of dedicated and believing artists whose aim is to imagine, create, and express—by craft and skill—perennial, palpable, and faith-anchoring legacies for the glory of God and edification of His Church.
Created // Made in the Image
The church of God, peopled from every tribe, tongue, and nation, is called to create because we know, serve, and reflect the Creator. And the church doesn’t create in vain; our works here on Earth, engendered by the Holy Spirit’s presence in His people, are small reflections of heaven, expressions of the “already and not-yet” reality of the advancement of the kingdom of God on Earth. In our art, we believers “stir up one another to love and good works” [Heb. 10:24-25] and we equip our minds with truth, endeavoring to outfit ourselves from the inside out with the armor of God.
All of nature is the continuing expression of God’s craftsmanship, and we, the “crown of creation,” incredibly are not only created, but creating. This power of creation is a gift, and it serves to express one aspect of an imaginative and innovative God. And when we create, we join the march of the cosmos that “declare[s] the glory of God and…proclaim[s] his handiwork” [Ps. 8:1].